Pride Week 2023

Crescent Celebrates Pride Week
May 1–5, 2023

This year’s Pride Week theme is Respect for All. The theme emphasizes the importance of treating everyone with respect and compassion, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 
On Monday, the Pride Flag will be raised for the week-long celebration. Students and staff can choose to wear Pride pins and stickers that will be available to all. Pride-themed books will be displayed in the Middle/Upper School library, and our Lower School librarian Ms. Basinski has selected several books to read aloud for DEAR (Drop Everything and Read).

We have printed customizable posters which everyone in our community can use to articulate what ‘respect’ means for them in this context. Photos of students and staff with their posters will be shared on hallway TV monitors. 

Various age-appropriate activities are planned during Home Form and Mentor Group when students can reflect upon the importance of creating a safe, inclusive and respectful society for LGBTQ+ individuals. We will be educating students on the history, meaning and evolution of the Pride flag design and create art projects based on the flag’s motif.
Chef Lawrence and the kitchen staff are preparing a special snack of rainbow-coloured cookies and cupcakes. 

On Friday, May 5, students should come to school dressed in Crescent green and white spirit wear to prepare for that evening’s Friday Night Lights and can choose to accessorize their outfits with rainbow-coloured glasses, wigs, leis, bandanas, etc.