
Our academic program is both rigorous and supportive with success in post-secondary institutions at the forefront of everyone’s mind.  
Upper School

US Character Education

    • Upper Middle and Lower School students
Character Education for Upper School Boys
Crescent School's focus on character development continues in our Upper School where teachers mentor small groups of students, providing them with essential guidance and support. With wide-ranging co-curricular programs in the arts, athletics, business and robotics, as well as local, national and international outreach opportunities, students are able to find and pursue their passions and become fully immersed in the life of the School and the broader community.

Senior boys are encouraged to hone their leadership skills by serving as Head Boy, Prefects and House Captains, holding executive positions in teams and clubs, or through meaningful opportunities to mentor younger students.

Upper School Leadership

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Richard Prosser

    Richard Prosser 

    Head of Upper School
  • Photo of Candace Harrison

    Candace Harrison 

    Assistant Head of Upper School
  • Photo of Ari Hunter

    Ari Hunter 

    Assistant Head of Upper School and Director of the Summer Academic Program