Growing and Learning in Middle School

by Zachary Lechem, Grade 8 Valedictorian
Zachary gave this speech at the Middle School Prize Day ceremony on June 13, 2019.
Good afternoon members of the Platform Party, teachers, parents, and fellow students. My name is Zachary Lechem and it is my privilege to speak to you today as the 2018-2019 Grade 8 Valedictorian.

Today is not just the end of another school year for us, it is also the start of a new journey with many new opportunities. The Middle School gave us a chance to grow, to make mistakes and to learn from them. It provided an opportunity to explore new experiences, and a time where we began to shape our legacies, both at school as well as in our communities.

To start, Grade 7 was a great introduction to what the middle school would be. Throughout the course of the year we got to know all of the new boys, we played on sports teams together and started hanging out with them outside of school. One of my favourite parts of the year was in the second term, when we went out every Tuesday afternoon to help out in various communities with our Service Tuesdays Outreach learning. This was a very different experience for us which showed us what the world outside of Crescent looks like, and how we can go and make a difference in the community. Grade 7 was also a year to figure out what things like exams and essays really were, but that didn’t come without some struggles along the way.

Now moving on to the start of Grade 8. Grade 7 was great to start to see what you might be interested in but grade 8 was where we had more options available to us. This year we really got to see how diverse our grade was. A lot of the boys tried out new things. Whether it was joining the play, the band, robotics, running for a leadership position, or even trying out a new sport, Grade 8 showed how talented we could be if we really tried. Although we had to sit through Mr. Hunter’s grueling English classes, I couldn’t have enjoyed Grade 8 more. I remember every Friday at lunch, seeing half of our grade show up to Mr. Kohen’s office to talk about anything going on in the world, in our self-proclaimed, always correct, points of view. All jokes aside, I felt that this year, we started learning from our mistakes and we were able to rely on each other’s help and make it a great year.

This Middle School journey is meant to prepare us for Upper School. That meant that we needed some guidance to get us ready. No matter how many times we made mistakes, our teachers were amazing at always being there for us. I feel that although we learn a lot in the classroom, our most meaningful lessons are the ones that teach us how to grow up, how to mature, and how to become, one day, a Man of Character, and we could not have done it without the support from our teachers and administrators.

But the people we have to thank the most are our parents. Their continuous support of us in anything we do. Waking up early in the morning to get us on time for our 7:15 practices. Providing us with all of the tools to succeed. I think there were times for all of us where we took that support for granted. No matter how annoying we may have been, our parents seemed to somehow put up with us. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my mom for everything she has done for my brother and I. And on behalf of all of us, I say a big thank-you to all of our parents for being so caring and supportive.

To my fellow Grade 8s, we are going to the Upper School next year. Sadly some of us will be leaving. You guys will always be a part of our journey and we hope to keep in touch with you. In the Upper School, there will be some bumps along the road, but the most important part is to be able to persevere, and keep going. It is a lot easier to stay down when something doesn’t go your way, but to get back up and try again, that’s the hard part, and trust me, I know. We have all gone through tough times and we must make sure that we are there for one another.

Part of what makes Crescent so special, especially in the Upper School, is that it is full of new opportunities and ways for us to step outside our comfort zones. I challenge all of you to try an activity that you have never done before. This year I tried out being in both the bands and the play, and I don’t regret it one bit. So think about what you want to try out next year, help that new kid in your math class get to the CCL. Try something new, and I promise that you won’t regret it. Start building a legacy that you will be proud of.

To finish off, the Middle School was full of learning. From when I first tied my tie to right now has been a roller coaster that I wouldn’t change. The Upper School is another great part of this Crescent journey just with many more essays and exams, and we are prepared. Have a great summer, and when I see you all again in September, I hope you will be ready to write the next chapter in our Crescent legacy, to try something new and to embrace the challenges that will come with moving into the Upper School.

Thank you.