Pride Week

Crescent Celebrates Pride Week
May 21–24, 2024

This year’s Pride Week theme is Compassion for All. This theme emphasizes the importance of showing care to others and respecting each person for their individuality, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity

Learn more about the planned activities here.

Divisional assemblies will introduce the theme and set the stage for the week ahead. Be the One will lead the assembly for Middle and Upper Schools.

Various age-appropriate activities are planned during Home Form and Mentor Group when students can reflect upon the importance of allies in our lives, and of being good allies to others. 

Both libraries will display a collection of theme-appropriate books. There will be an author visit in the Lower School by current Crescent parent Christina Sorbara who will read her children’s book, Growing In Mamma's Tummy and In Mommy's Heart, about a lesbian couple's journey to parenthood. 

The display screens throughout the school will feature Crescent’s Pride flag with this year’s theme and all staff and students will receive Pride pins.

On Friday, May 24, students and staff are invited to wear coloured t-shirts to represent a rainbow and the school’s Pride flag will be raised. It will remain up through the month of June to acknowledge Pride Month.