• February

    The Importance of Play

    by Kody Vaisanen, Lower School Faculty
    Many of us may fondly recall the joys of running out of the house, with a parent yelling, “Make sure you’re home when the street lights come on!” Days were spent with friends, with not an adult in sight, playing, creating, and exploring together.
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  • January

    Don't Sleep On the Value of Sleep

    by Michael Brisbois, Upper School Faculty
    It’s 6:30 am and your alarm goes off. You hit the snooze button in the hope that another 15 minutes of sleep will be your saviour and snap you out of your exhausted state. Does this sound familiar? In a busy world where there never seem to be enough hours in the day, we often choose sleep, or more specifically skimping on sleep, as our silver bullet to do more. Why is sleep so important that we spend close to a third of our lives in this state?
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  • A Relational Learning Refresh

    by Dr. Sandra Boyes, Executive Director, Professional Learning & Research and Crescent Centre for Boys' Education
    The start of a new year is a great time to refresh your understanding of why relational learning is one of Crescent School’s three pedagogies (along with active and experiential), what the relational learning gestures are, and how you can embed the relational learning gestures into your practice.
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